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ASA Long Biased

Returns ASA Long Biased

Quote data as of close: 07/24/2024

Fund IPCA + Yield IMA-B IPCA + Yield IMA-B +
1 DAY -0,58% 0,04% -0,62%
This Month 1,61% 0,63% 0,97%
This Year -4,08% 6,58% -10,66%
12 months -1,34% 10,80% -12,14%
24 months 20,14% 21,59% -1,45%
36 months -8,57% 42,94% -51,51%
48 months      
60 months      
Since Inception -2,19% 45,08% -47,27%

Accumulated Return

  • Fund
  • IPCA + Yield IMA-B

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O ASA Long Biased is hedge fund that invests primarily in equities and has as objective overcome IPCA index plus IMA-B index return. The fund allocates mainly in stock of companies listed on brazilian stocks market, with the flexibility to invest in different asset classes, such as: stocks of companies listed abroad, currencies, fixed income and derivatives.

Portfolio Manager

Marcelo Nantes de Souza


Marcelo Nantes holds a degree in Aeronautical Mechanical Engineering from ITA – Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica and an MBA from the University of Virginia - Darden School Has COA certification and has been working in the Capital Markets since 2006. He worked in the strategic planning and mergers and acquisitions area at Cargill Inc in Minneapolis, at Black River Asset Management, Ashmore Emerging Markets Management, Ventor Investimentos as an equities manager. In 2018, he joined BRAM and served as CIO. In 2021, he became one of the founders of Tower Three Asset Management. At ASA, manages equities business.

Unique Features

The ASA Long Biased has differentials, some of which are listed below. Be part of the fund managed with the ASA experience.

Combination of top down of bottom up proprietary analizes.

Directional positioning with flexibility of market timing.

Portfolio diversification in different strategies: directional, macro, micro, long&short.

Available in the following platforms

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invest in the ASA Long Biased fund or to open your account:




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