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MACRO HEDGE FUND Open for new investments


Returns ASA Hedge

Quote data as of close: 07/24/2024

  Fund DI % DI
1 DAY 0,16% 0,04% 403,00%
This Month 0,72% 0,71% 102,00%
This Year -2,36% 5,97%  
12 months -2,11% 11,63%  
24 months 8,55% 26,72% 32,00%
36 months 48,07% 38,39% 125,00%
48 months 45,10% 41,70% 108,00%
60 months 62,64% 47,82% 131,00%
Since Inception 188,46% 139,58% 135,00%

Accumulated Return

  • Fund
  • DI

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The purpose of ASA Hedge is to generate consistent long ‐terms returns by using different asset classes, especially interest rates, equities, and currencies, traded in the domestic and/or foreign markets, without commitment, but with the possibility of concentration on specific classes and geographies.

Portfolio Manager

Filippe Santa Fé

Head | Hedge Funds

Filippe Santa Fé has a degree in Business Administration from FGV-EAESP and a master's degree in Economics from FGV-EESP. With over 15 years' experience in the financial market, Santa Fé has worked at BNP Paribas, Mauá Sekular, Black River Asset Management and Itaim Asset. In 2020 he joined ASA, where he is responsible for the Hedge Funds.

Unique Features

The ASA Hedge has differentials, some of which are listed below. Be part of the fund managed with the ASA experience.

In-depth knowledge of the local and global macro scenario

Senior management team with a long history of working together

The portfolio management team actively adjusts position sizes to maximize returns

Available in the following platforms

Select one of the partner platforms below to invest in the ASA Hedge fund or to open your account:

Select one of the partner platforms below to
invest in the ASA HEDGE fund or to open your account:




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Santos Augusta
Alameda Santos, 2159 - 5º, 7º, 8º, 9º e 10° Andares
Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP, 01419-100

Edifício PJM
Alameda Santos, 1978 - 3º, 14º e 15º Andares
Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP, 01418-102
Rio de Janeiro Office

Lagoa Corporate
Rua Humaitá, 275 - 10th floor
Humaitá, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22261-005
New York Office

Seagram Building
375 Park Avenue, Suite 3702
New York, NY, 10152
Miami Office

255 Giralda Avenue, 6th Floor (suite 106)
Coral Gables
Miami, FL 33134, EUA

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