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REAL ESTATE Open for new investments

ASA Cycles


Quote data as of close: 07/24/2024

  Fund IPCA + 6% acima IPCA + 6%
1 DAY 0,02% 0,04% -0,02%
This Month -0,25% 0,59% -0,85%
This Year 2,44% 6,35% -3,91%
12 months 7,00% 10,54% -3,54%
24 months
36 months
48 months
60 months
Since Inception 20,11% 18,66% 1,45%

Accumulated Return

  • Fund
  • IPCA + 6%


ASA Cycles FIC FIM have the purpose of identify the opportunities of real estate funds market via positions in quotas of funds that we believe are detached from their fundamentals, considering the stages of market cycle.

Portfolio Manager

Martim Fass

Head | Real Estate

Martim Fass holds a degree in administration from UFSC. He started his career in 1998 and since 2004 he has been dedicated to the real estate market. He was partner and head of real estate funds at Rio Bravo until 2010, later he spent 9 years at Safra Asset Management and, in 2020, he founded CORE Real Estate At ASA he is responsabible for the real estate investment area.

Unique Features

ASA Cycles has differentials and some of them are listed below. Be part of the fund managed with ASA experience.

The team has extensive knowledge and experience in real estate funds and the different sector segments.

It was developed proprietary tools of analysis to identify different opportunities present in the market following the investment philosophy and process.

The selection of assets is carefully and combine the analysis of real estate segment with filters that have qualitative and quantitative variables.


The investment process begins with a survey of data on real estate funds traded on the stock exchange, moving on to the application of qualitative and quantitative filters, in addition to analyzes focused on governance, discipline and diligence, to structure the portfolio of the Fund.

Gráfico - Processo de investimento Source: ASA

Available in the following platforms

Select one of the partner platforms below to invest in the ASA Cycles fund or to open your account:

  • BTG Pactual Digital


Download the documentation referring to the ASA Cycles Fund.

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invest in the ASA CYCLES fund or to open your account:




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Santos Augusta
Alameda Santos, 2159 - 5º, 7º, 8º, 9º e 10° Andares
Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP, 01419-100

Edifício PJM
Alameda Santos, 1978 - 3º, 14º e 15º Andares
Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP, 01418-102
Rio de Janeiro Office

Lagoa Corporate
Rua Humaitá, 275 - 10th floor
Humaitá, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22261-005
New York Office

Seagram Building
375 Park Avenue, Suite 3702
New York, NY, 10152
Miami Office

255 Giralda Avenue, 6th Floor (suite 106)
Coral Gables
Miami, FL 33134, EUA

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