ASA FIDC Longo Prazo

ícone - Aggressive Aggressive risk
Open for new investments


Fotografia de Carlos Miguel Costa

Carlos Miguel Costa


The head of the ASA's credit fund has 35 years of market experience, 17 of them at Banco Safra, where he worked in the commercial and product areas, reaching the head of the Middle Market segment. With passages through BCN and Boston banks, Carlos Miguel has extensive knowledge and experience in the Middle Market segment, occupying leadership positions in these institutions.

Objetivo do fundo

ASA FIDC Longo Prazo is an investment solution for the Middle and Corporate credit market. Leveraging an experienced team that conducts in-depth economic analyses, the fund carefully invests in credit and securities with the aim of generating secure, sustainable returns for investors. The return is defined depending on the quota series.


O ASA FIDC Longo Prazo has differentiators, some of them listed below.
Be part of the fund managed with ASA's expertise.

  • Team with extensive experience in the corporate credit market, focusing on the middle and large corporate markets.

  • State-of-the-art technological solutions, combined with proprietary tools for selecting, granting, analyzing and controlling the credit portfolio.

  • Asset selection is done through a combination of meticulous credit modeling, high level of governance and efficient collateral control process.

Investment process

ASA FIDC seeks, through operations in the main regions of the country, to scatter its investments, focusing on risks control and opportunities addition, constantly preserving its governance and discipline in the investment process.

Investment process


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O ASA FIDC é destinado a Investidores Qualificados, nos termos da Resolução CVM 30/21. Verifique se a classificação de risco do fundo se enquadra ao seu perfil de investimento antes de investir.


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