We are an enduring and diversified financial institution, equipped
to operate in a constantly evolving market.
Bringing together our expertise and deep knowledge of financial markets
with modern processes and governance to develop sophisticated and bespoke
solutions for high-net-worth individuals, companies, and institutional clients.
Our multi-generational legacy in financial markets is deeply rooted,
and our alignment with clients unwavering. Performance, Safety, Returns,
and Individuality are ingrained in our values and ensure every ASA business
unit tirelessly pursues exceptional financial results for our clients and for ourselves.
We always offer the best and most innovative solutions to our clients, with sophistication, speed, and excellence, no matter where the opportunities may be.
We are an enduring financial institution. Our legacy enables us to operate across all economic scenarios and be part of the constant evolution of the market.
We are constantly pursuing results and efficiencies in how we operate, in our products, and in the way we control risks and costs, so we can generate sustainable long-term growth for our clients and for ourselves.
Every client is unique. We believe in fostering personal and close relationships with clients in order to provide tailor-made solutions to meet their needs.
Our approach to managing significant wealth is tailor-made to each of our high-net-worth clients. At ASA Wealth Management, you have access to global knowledge and exclusive high-level financial services. All our solutions are bespoke, offering complete transparency and independence, aimed at consistently achieving the best results for our clients. Preserving and growing your wealth, done by those who have excelled at it for clients across generations.
Know more about our exclusive servicesGenerating performance is the guiding principle for all ASA funds. Because performance goes beyond profitability. It also means reliability, long-term consistent returns, and multi-strategy solutions to meet the needs of clients looking to invest in local or international markets.
Access our portfolio of investment fundsWe understand that the objective of every company is to grow. Which is why you can rely on a personal and trusted relationship to provide agility and more efficient solutions for your company's growth.
Find out more about our solutionsWhere sophistication and execution meet: Our team has deep and ever evolving industry knowledge which - when combined with our personalized service - enables us to identify the tailor-made investment opportunities for our clients. ASA Private means sophistication in every detail, for all your needs.
Find out more about our products and services
São Paulo (Headquarters)
Ed. Santos Augusta - 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th floors
Alameda Santos, N° 2.159 Cerqueira
Cesar - São Paulo - SP, 01419-100
São Paulo
Ed. Santos PJM - 3rd, 14th, and 15th floors
Alameda Santos, N° 1.978 Cerqueira Cesar
Rio de Janeiro
Ed. Lagoa Corporate - 10th floor
Rua Humaitá, N° 275 - Humaitá
Ed. Galeria Plaza - 6th floor
Rua Dr. José Bonifácio Coutinho Nogueira, N° 150
S.J Rio Preto
Ed. Navarro - 10th floor
Rua Jair Martins Mil Homens, N° 500 - Vila São José
Ribeirão Preto
Ed. New Century - 10th floor
Avenida Presidente Vargas, N° 2.001 - Alto da Boa Vista
Stein Office - 9th floor
Rua Sete de Setembro, N° 777 - Centro
Porto Alegre
Ed. JBZ - 7th floor
Avenida Carlos Gomes, N° 400 - Auxiliadora
Ed. Evidence Office - 30th floor
Rua Teresina, N° 380 - Setor Alto da Glória
Ed. Salvador Shopping Business - 10th floor
Alameda Salvador, N° 1.057 - Torre América - Caminho das Árvores
Ed. Rio Mar Trade Center - Torre C - 3rd floor
Avenida República do Líbano, N° 251 - Pina
Ed. Torre Infinito - 6th floor
Avenida Gentil Bittencourt, N° 549 - Nazaré
Ed. Centro Empresarial José Joaquim - 22nd floor
Avenida Dr. Carlos de Carvalho, N° 555
Ed. Ayrton Senna - Loja T2
Avenida Ayrton Senna da Silva, Nº 575 - Gleba Fazenda Palhano
Ed. BS Design - 10th floor
Av. Desembargador Moreira, N° 1300
Ed. Seagram Building - 37º floor
375 Park Avenue, New York, NY, 10152
Discover all financial services and solutions offered by ASA.
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The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation or offer of investment funds or any securities by ASA.
ASA Asset 2 Gestão de Recursos LTDA. ("ASA") is duly authorized by the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários to carry out the activity of managing securities portfolios in the "asset manager" category, to distribute shares of the investment funds under its management, and to conduct the activity of coordinating public offerings. This website also contains a link to the page of third-party distributors duly contracted by the investment funds under management. The information, materials or documents made available here do not characterize and should not be understood as an investment recommendation, analysis of a security, promotional material, participation in any business strategy, solicitation/offer/sales effort or distribution of investment fund shares. indicated here. The information and materials do not constitute legal, accounting, regulatory, tax or any other advice in relation to investment alternatives and/or various matters contained in the documents. ASA is not responsible for errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the content of the information disclosed, nor for investment decisions made based on this website, either by the investor or by professionals consulted and/or contracted by him. Some of the information contained herein may have been obtained from market sources. Even with all the care taken in its collection and handling, ASA is not responsible for the accidental publication of incorrect data, or for any other errors, omissions or the use of such information. The information, materials or documents provided herein are for informational purposes only and do not consider investment objectives, financial situation or individual and particular needs of each investor, in addition to not containing all the information that a potential investor should consider or analyze before investing in an investment fund. Investors are advised to carefully read the regulations and other fund documents before investing. Investors should always base themselves exclusively on their opinion and on the opinion of specialized professionals hired by them to give their opinion and decide on the investments that best fit their profile, taking into account, above all, the applicable risks and costs. Investment funds may use derivative strategies as an integral part of their investment policy. Such strategies, in the way they are adopted, can result in significant equity losses for their shareholders, and may even lead to losses greater than the capital invested and the consequent obligation of the shareholder to provide additional resources to cover the fund's loss. Investment funds are not guaranteed by the fund manager, the portfolio manager, the custodian or any insurance mechanism or by the Fundo Garantidor de Créditos – FGC. There is no promise or guarantee of performance, and any reference to past or historical profitability does not represent a guarantee of future profitability. Returns are net of expenses, administration and performance fees and taxes. Some of the funds have less than 12 (twelve) months since launch. In order to evaluate the performance of a Fund, it is recommended to analyze at least 12 (twelve) months.
ASA is a foreign exchange correspondent of Ebury Bank, under the terms of Resolution No. 4935/2021 of the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN). For more information about our partner, available services, customer service and ombudsman, visit the following link: https://br.ebury.com/